From offsets to contributions: Beyond the traditional use of carbon credits

Last updated
June 17, 2024

Our new contribution white paper shares a three-step methodology to help you make the purchase of carbon credits a catalyst for emission reductions and positive impact globally.

There’s no quick fix to meet your climate targets. To make a significant contribution, your company should prioritize emission reductions, and in parallel, support projects that remove, reduce, or avoid carbon emissions.

But many organizations primarily rely on the purchase of carbon credits to ‘achieve’ carbon neutrality. They invest a lot in offsetting projects and do little to cut their emissions. Not only does this fail to make any significant difference in reducing their carbon footprints, but it also puts them at risk of greenwashing accusations and buying carbon credits forever to stick to their net-zero pledges.

It’s time to move away from these outdated practices.

Our contribution methodology can help avoid these pitfalls. Coined by Renaud Bettin, our VP of Climate Action, it introduces a credible way of using carbon credits that’s easy to understand, track, and implement alongside your overall climate program. And with this three-step methodology, you’ll be able to confidently and transparently communicate your impact to all your stakeholders.

Learn how contributions can become a key asset in reaching your climate goals 👉 Read our white paper