"Sustainability in Action": Plus de 500 responsables RSE partagent leurs priorités en matière de gestion de données ESG

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Cleanup: Scale climate action with your Climate Action Dream Team

Dernière mise à jour
19 avril 2023

Cleanup is part of our monthly newsletter, sharing the latest climate trends driving conversations in business and finance.

Working in climate has redefined the way I see collaboration. It’s impressive how cross-sector partnerships can help reach business and reduction targets faster. At Sweep, I get to build bridges between internal teams, sustainability experts, and tech enablers – joining forces to act for the planet and pave our way to becoming Forever Companies. 

Read on to learn more about the climate change makers within your company and how external partnerships can help effectively reach your climate goals.   


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To accelerate global decarbonization, we partner with organizations that support our mission to help companies track and reduce their carbon footprint. We build the tech stack to streamline the challenges of climate data collection and analysis. They bring their expertise of supporting leaders and teams in the transformation of their businesses. 

Together, we work with your CSOs, CFOs, CPOs – the Climate Action Dream Team – to drive decarbonization across the value chain: 

Meet the Sweep partner network


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  • Our flagship conference Climate Compass is back! On 25 May, we’re bringing together 500+ corporate leaders and finance experts to discuss how to build a strategy in which climate action and long-term business success go hand in hand. Save your spot now
  • Rachel Delacour, our CEO and cofounder, was selected to join UBS Global Visionaries, a network that supports outstanding individuals working towards one or more of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • We’re in VivaTech’s Top 100 Scale-up list. As part of the selection, we’re now in the running for the prestigious Vivatech’s Next Unicorn Awards, which aims to reward Europe’s fastest-growing scaleups. Will you be there? Let’s organize something together.


Congratulations to our customer CNW IT-Systeme GmbH, the winner of the award in the climate action category. Celebrating HP Amplify Impact partners with the most comprehensive carbon footprint and action plan, we’re proud that five of the top six in this category use Sweep to track and act on their emissions.


Insight -Blog- – IPCC

Here’s a round-up of the top climate trends:

  • Make-or-break for leaders, scaling climate technology, and closing the funding gap: Read the analysis of five leading climate experts on the release of the IPCC synthesis report.

  • After releasing their climate disclosure proposal last March, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is now considering easing some reporting rules. Marie-Anne Vincent, our VP of Climate Finance, explains how companies can navigate these changes.

  • The Science-Based Targets Network (SBTN) recently released a preliminary set of targets for land use. These aim to align efforts to stop land degradation, and to prevent and reverse the loss of biodiversity. Our partner and biodiversity expert Antoine Vallier explains what it means for your business

  • 3 in 4 manufacturing executives don’t understand their company’s carbon footprint. If you’re new to the business of carbon, Henk Harmsen, our Senior Carbon Expert, breaks down the first step in your journey: Setting the boundaries of your GHG inventory.

  • One of the key challenges faced by procurement teams is engaging with your suppliers on decarbonization. Renaud Bettin, our VP of Climate Action and Cesare Guarini, Sustainable Procurement Expert, shares great insights on how to drive climate collaboration across your supply chain. 


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Hope to see you there – and feel free to browse through our upcoming events.


France forrests

ln France, 75% of the national forest coverage is privately owned. Our climate partner Neosylva aims to awaken the potential of these untouched land by promoting sustainable and responsible forest management.

Here’s how they want to boost natural carbon sinks by restoring French private forests. ⁠


This month, we welcome Nils Baquéour, our new Carbon and Sustainable Finance expert. Join us from EY, he’ll strengthen our team to further support companies get their carbon footprint on track. If you’re also looking to put your skills in service of climate change, check out job openings.

Sweep peut vous aider

Sweep est une plateforme de gestion du carbone et de l’ESG qui permet aux entreprises d’atteindre leurs objectifs de durabilité.

Grâce à notre plateforme, vous pouvez:

  • Procéder à une évaluation approfondie de votre empreinte carbone.
  • Obtenir une vue d’ensemble en temps réel de votre chaîne d’approvisionnement et veiller à ce que vos fournisseurs atteignent vos objectifs de durabilité.
  • Atteindre une conformité totale avec le CSRD et d’autres législations ESG clés en l’espace de quelques semaines.
  • Garantir la fiabilité de vos informations sur le développement durable en les faisant vérifier par un tiers avant de les rendre publiques.

Découvrez comment Sweep peut vous aider