Sweep dans le top 3 des logiciels ESG - Verdantix 2025

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"Sustainability in Action": Plus de 500 responsables RSE partagent leurs priorités en matière de gestion de données ESG

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Mentions légales

Les renseignements fournis ici sont destinés aux lecteurs, abonnés et fournisseurs de Sweep ayant des questions sur nos conditions générales, politiques, propriété intellectuelle et conformité.

Sweep is committed to compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to its activities. This includes compliance with the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act.

Statement on The United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act of 2015 

This Statement is made pursuant to the requirements under section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015 which requires businesses to publish a statement regarding efforts taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking in their business and supply chain.

It is made on behalf of Sweep London Limited (14190312) for the financial year ending 31st December 2022.

Sweep helps businesses measure, track and act on their carbon emissions so they can become forever companies. It is our love letter to the pioneering businesses that are leading in climate action. And it’s our rallying call for every other company out there. At Sweep, we commit daily to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct in everything we do. Adhering to the law and all company policies is the foundation of our culture. Our reputation and our success depend upon the honesty, integrity and respect brought to the job by every person associated with Sweep.

We think that all human beings should be treated with dignity and respect. Therefore, our employees should never engage in human rights abuse in the form of slavery, corporal punishment or child labour. Our internal Code of Conduct outlines how we conduct business and describes the company’s most fundamental shared values. It provides guidance to our employees on how to follow company policies, applicable laws, rules and regulations, as it is vital that all employees act with integrity and in accordance with local laws.

Sweep also sets expectations for social responsibility in our procurement program including social performance criteria as mentioned in our “Third Party Code of Conduct”.

Sweep is committed to carefully selecting its providers, subcontractors and partners and requires them and/or any person under their control:

  • to comply with, applicable national, European and international rules relating to ethical standards and responsible behaviour, including, but not limited to, rules relating to human rights, environmental protection, human health, personal safety and sustainable development,
  • not to violate human rights, human health and safety and the environment in the course of their business,
  • not to use child labour or forced labour and to fight against all forms of discrimination.

Should we become aware of any policy violations or issues related to slavery or human trafficking, we will consult with our Legal Department to ensure that appropriate measures are taken, which may include reporting this information to authorities and terminating contractual relationships.

Sweep commits to embedding in its culture and policies compliance with laws and ethical business practices, including the respect of the fundamental human rights clearly set out in its Code of Conduct. Through our CSR program, our employees will be required to complete annual Code of Conduct training to adhere to our Code and standards. Sweep will measure and monitor the cumulative impact of its various initiatives and provide transparency into progress in its annual CSR report.


Rachel Delacour,

Chief Executive Officer,

Sweep London Ltd & Sweep SAS Raphael Gueller,

Chief Design Officer,

Sweep London Ltd & Sweep SAS

Last update date: January 27th 2023